Rained again.
Being a volunteer of Orbis, sold mid-autumn festival cakes in the rain. Learnt one thing: 100 young ladies and handsome guys passed by, none of them bought one cake. 100 old gentlemen and mammies passed by, 10 of them stopped and listened to you. 5 of them paid. Nice face doesn't bring you beautiful heart!
招募: Anyone who is interested in seeing Sammi & Siu Yee's show in Sep?
Being a volunteer of Orbis, sold mid-autumn festival cakes in the rain. Learnt one thing: 100 young ladies and handsome guys passed by, none of them bought one cake. 100 old gentlemen and mammies passed by, 10 of them stopped and listened to you. 5 of them paid. Nice face doesn't bring you beautiful heart!
招募: Anyone who is interested in seeing Sammi & Siu Yee's show in Sep?