2007年8月31日 星期五

Many concerns

Many decisions to be made:
(1) Job: change team or not? New team--> maybe can leave earlier, or may not, the job content is a shit! and need to deal with bitches. Current team--> many things to handle, need many ot...my health can't stand.... I have a final choice--> change the firm, get a new job, start from the beginning, but still can't guarantee no ot... shit!

(2) Travelling with best friends: didn't check email for a week, friends K, C & C are waiting for me to make a decision before Sat... I end up finding that I haven't applied annual leave yet! damn! and the trip is a bit out bud.... share prices drop a lot, my money is flying away~

(3) Quite under pressure, but can't relief it bcz. can't borrow comics. I really don't like ot! >.<

2007年8月25日 星期六

816 meeting

Tea buffet with gossips and gags.

Classic one: Cha Siu Bao

2007年8月24日 星期五

2007年8月21日 星期二


這是一片中環皇后廣場外的草地, 我看完醫生拿完驗血報告經過, 草原本是綠色的, 在我看來卻是灰色的...

2007年8月19日 星期日


最近脾氣很火爆, 家中的母親大人一次又一次踐踏我的底線, 星期四工作回家洗澡已是12點多, 她硬是要我教她如何下載文件, 上次已教過她了, 她沒有寫筆記, 現在深夜12點又問, 我說我很累下次再教, 馬上受到她的冷言冷語, "我侍候妳這麼多年, 現在要妳做小小o野 ....bla bla bla"一大堆, 好吧, 教就教, pls stop the noise! 下載文件前後不超過10個steps, 講完又講, 講完又講, 足足講了1個鐘, 才讓她明白如何下載.
星期六早上要回公司清理手尾, 晚上母親大人又出招, "妳明天早上6點多幫我把行李搬到樓下", "什麼! 我不想6點起來, 我現在把行李搬到樓下吧, 反正樓下有鐡門, 別人進不來.", "不! 我行李內有要送人的東西, 不可以現在搬, 妳明天幫我搬完再睡吧.", "我侍候妳這麼多年, 現在要妳做小小o野 ....bla bla bla"..... 為什麼她要帶重到她拿不到的行李呢! 為什麼她要這麼遲才通知我要6點起床! 為什麼她assumes I'm always available!
面對她, 我真的沒有足夠的EQ吧! 可能我一開始就錯了, 我不應該用reasoning來理解母親大人的一言一行的... 實在沒有耐性好好語氣地說話.... 但說了不好語氣的話, 又覺得唔開心... 唉...

2007年8月13日 星期一


男友S果然利害, 在2小時火速售罄的情況下, 仍然買到森美小儀歌劇團的票, 可惜後來知道那天和他朋友的婚宴撞期, 多出來的票不知友人P or K會否有興趣呢?

2007年8月12日 星期日


Deadly miss this film "Next Station, Heaven".
Without any exciting scene, I was moved.
If you die, and need to "live" with your memory forever, which part of memory you will choose? This question always alerts me. Try to make this moment be your best one and be as happiest as you can. (<- although I'm sometimes hurt by the mean environment.) If you have a good time with your family, lover, friends, treasure it! If you are upset due to your harsh boss, having a bad-hair day, let it go! It won't be your last memory anyways.
(I didn't ask the arthur when pasting this link. Hope I won't be caught, hehe)

2007年8月11日 星期六

有意義的一天 (11-AUG-07 Sat)

Rained again.
Being a volunteer of Orbis, sold mid-autumn festival cakes in the rain. Learnt one thing: 100 young ladies and handsome guys passed by, none of them bought one cake. 100 old gentlemen and mammies passed by, 10 of them stopped and listened to you. 5 of them paid. Nice face doesn't bring you beautiful heart!

招募: Anyone who is interested in seeing Sammi & Siu Yee's show in Sep?

2007年8月10日 星期五

路小雨 (10-AUG-07 Fri)

Typhoon signal no. 8 was hoisted, granting me a half day hoilday. So great to see a film "Secret", directed by Jay. Story itself was quite weak. Yet, I still enjoyed the film. Romantic shots and nice piano songs made me feel very comfortable. Suddenly I miss the film "Love Letter" very much. Must find a day to see it again. What a relaxing day!

2007年8月8日 星期三

Birthday gift (8-AUG-07 Wed)

This is my birthday gift. Flight from Taiwan. Made me very happy even worked overnight until 6am on birthday. Wow!