2009年11月10日 星期二


Recently I've totally lost my mind. The formula which I've been using for 30 years is now not working. Lose confidence, lose decision-making ability, lose problem-solving skill. I don't know what to do. I become not myself. The feeling is so strange. I've tried to be a 'good' person (at least, pretend to be) for the past 30 years. Now I don't know how to face my 'dark' side, another me. I don't like that dark side, and don't know how to control her. My mentality is so weak!

Many things I thought I knew, but actually I don't know.
Many things I thought I was, but actually I'm not.
Many things I thought I could do, but actually I don't have such ability.

Who am I? What will I be? I'm so scared. Scared about future. Scared to influence others.

I'm sick, I knew. Seriously. I prayed and prayed. Now I start to read Bible and Buddha stories. Hope that God will guide me the way and Wisdom will lead me the correct road.

One thing, the most important thing, I wish, truly from my heart: I hope my sickness won't hurt the people I love.


身處困局, 求明燈顯示, Praying....

2009年10月7日 星期三


初次吃自助餐 來慶祝升上了高班
這個放任傍晚 甜美永遠活在心間
初吻愛人時間 忘記這渡輪沒加班
於沙灘裡暢談 直到潮岸逐漸變藍
某一次賽後獲得 殿軍 亦得老友賀吻
那刻我領會情感 勝負 都興奮 未靠獎品
這一世 即使見聞沿路一直變
一刻永恆 懷念永不厭 風景性情人物會改變
即使故意再做一遍 情懷事後便難再現
幫女友抬行李 無處找美食沒心機
不忍乞丐皺眉 奉獻出餅乾極歡喜
某一次坐長途機 夜機 夢中擦過萬里
我親眼面對晨曦 天地 這種美 餘生銘記
這一世 彷彿旅遊沿路一直變
風景退後無奈講再見 不必強求時地永不變
這一剎 誰在我面前
這一天 在不久的以後再見
來日會有更多的 懷念

2009年8月7日 星期五


Today I drove to North Wales- Conwy Castle. This was the first time I've had a day trip alone. Feeling was so special. It's my secret way to say goodbye to my last day of 20s in my life.

30-yr-old....是中女了... 突然 有點感慨, 尤其是自己一個人在英國過, 沒有告訴別人, 因為不想麻煩別人.
人大了, 第一件事要懂得的, 就是悠然自處, 我會努力學習的 :)

2009年5月30日 星期六

Very beautiful lyrics. (Though I haven't watched the tv drama) Feeling is described in detail, like a poem. No wonder the writer is a female: 陳詩慧.

雨水冷洗情不會淡 猛風再吹而不散
愁雲和月之間 也不孤單
妳足以傾城的兩眼 較花與草還璀璨 然而眉目恍惚飄散有一絲慨嘆
流水透徹出我倆 沿路滿佈風霜也雪亮
天空灰暗 愛得到了景仰
世間什麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶
飽經挫折 傷口淌血都不至會磨滅
世間什麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫

舉杯暢飲河邊秀美 奏一闕曲傳千里
斜陽隨著清風 已幽幽泛起
妳的美比繁花更美 我心卻只能希冀 紅蝴蝶漫天飛很美我一生銘記
流水透徹出我倆 沿路滿佈風霜也雪亮
天空灰暗 愛得到了景仰
世間什麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶
飽經挫折 傷口淌血都不至會磨滅
世間什麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫
世間什麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶
世間什麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫

2009年2月15日 星期日

My belief

Doctrine of Mean, Silence is gold, Simple is the best, Humble drives you success

2009年2月1日 星期日


If I don't study overseas, I would not have known that HongKong ladies are very clean and tidy. I'm very proud of being a HK lady.

If I don't study MBA, I would not have realised that western countries are full of stupid guys. I'm very proud of being an eastern country's citizen.

2009年1月6日 星期二


想跟福山雅治一同夾歌, 他彈guitar我彈電子琴

2009年1月4日 星期日


First time to cook soup by the rice cooker...1 hr later...糊了!! Very upset....

2009年1月3日 星期六

New Year 2009!

Big sales after new year, bought a pair of new ear rings, happy!

2009年1月2日 星期五


愛在寒夜中賞星, 人生中想看看北極光

想住住希臘的白色小屋, 在沙灘上騎著馬欣賞日落


